VOLUNTEERS ARE VITAL! Most tennis clubs in Ireland are run by dedicated volunteers, who donate their time, energy, and expertise to make the club a wonderful experience for all members. Without them, clubs would cease to function in any meaningful way. But it is a constant challenge for many clubs to recruit and retain volunteers.

RECRUITING Key principles in recruiting and motivating the right people: 1. Clearly define the role and responsibilities. Then provide the prospective volunteer with a clear written description of what they will be expected to do, and what skills they will need. This allows the potential volunteer to make an informed decision about becoming involved.

2. Defining the role removes the volunteer’s concern that they might be called on to get involved in areas where they have no expertise or interest. 3 Define time limits – e.g. the person is asked to serve for one or two years, but will not be pressurized to continue after that.

4. Before confirming a person in their role as a volunteer, remind them they must go through all necessary vetting and training processes.

5. A key motivational tool for volunteers is to recognize achievements and successes. That might simply be in the minutes of each meeting, or through annual awards or a ‘Volunteer of the Month’ spot on the club’s website and noticeboard.

6. A new volunteer will feel more secure if they know that the person who previously carried out their role will be available to guide and assist them during the “settling-in period”.

To view the full document outlining roles please click here

Please also use this document when making recruitment decisions.

All further information on recruitment and going through the vetting process (if required) can be found on our website here and type Access NI into the search bar.